Every new country we introduce our patent to invariably comes with a raft of copiers that follow soon after. To avoid any such confusion please examine closely our UAE Attestation! The concern lies not with us wanting to control Equine Salt Therapy as we have allowed people to invest in our modality and create their own businesses! The problem lies with Copiers trying to pass off our technology having not completed 5 years of R & D  and selling Salt Chambers & trailers to unsuspecting people and businesses that are indirectly infringing our Intellectual Property rights. We have perfected this technology and refined Ultisalt™ under close supervision of the world’s finest equine professionals and regulatory vets. In addition our patent extends to all modalities of this therapy for the Animal Kingdom. It is not our intention to block the use of this – on the contrary.  We are looking for like- minded people to offer projects to develop other innovative modalities.

Equine Salt Therapy UAE Patent Attestation

Equine Salt Therapy UAE Patent Attestation


The Racing industry is a very small and connected world and it must be said as one of the world largest sources of employment, international law insists on Racing bodies following strict governance. That includes Intellectual Property rights.  I would like to introduce which, as a founding board member along with  Leo Tonkin from Salt Chamber Inc,  is designed to promote higher business standards and better business methods in the use of salt therapy.

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