The mobile salt business concept came about due to the amount of enquiries received from people who could not access the permanent salt rooms. Offering a mobile solution means Equine Salt Therapy can offer their treatment to many more horses around Australia.
We are extremely keen to extend the benefits of salt therapy already used by vets and trainers to the broader equine industry. The unique value proposition enables you as the owner to operate an innovative business, offering a world first, patented, medication free treatment initiative with no competition.
This business opportunity is timed perfectly with the Australian Government heavily focusing on the use of antibiotics in both humans and animals and how it can be reduced. This paves the way for ultimate success by offering a medication free solution for horses.
We have previously advertised in and had a fantastic response from participants in the industry wanting to carve out more of a career for themselves while remaining in the industry they are passionate about.
Unfortunately, we are no longer permitted to advertise in as our business opportunities are deemed as ‘advertisements’ and not ‘jobs’. Despite us offering participants an alternative to their current jobs and despite us creating employment within the racing industry we have been told by Racing Australia officials that advertisements are strictly for job positions. We will continue to have this antiquated policy reviewed in the hope that we can offer additional job prospects for the racing industry’s most important members – its staff.
We are currently advertising via for business opportunities in Queensland and Western Australia. Please log onto the following links if you wish to apply:
For Western Australia opportunities
For Queensland opportunities
We are excited to have just launched our latest Mobile Salt Therapy business owners, Renee Russell from Novocastrian Equine Salt Therapy and Kirsty Day from KS Equine Services. Renee is servicing the Newcastle and Hunter Valley regions and Kirsty Day is servicing Camden/Cobbitty regions. Peninsula Equine Salt Therapy is servicing the Mornington Peninsula region and look out for more to come soon!
Fitting out our salt rooms is done with precision and patience ensuring everything is perfect for both horse and practitioner in creating the perfect environment for our treatments.